SEARCH CITY 1.1 Product Information An ARS INNOVANDI Product Search City is a Text Retrieval Software Product for Windows Power Users. Today's PC users are faced with the ever increasing burden of storing and managing vast quantities of electronic information stored as text documents. Traditional ways to manage data found in structured, field-oriented databases are not sufficient for handling information found in unstructured files and documents. A new generation of text retrieval tools and systems are emerging that allow users to manage and access all their information with ease. Search City puts advanced searching tools in the hands of PC power users. It is for people who need to have information quickly available at their fingertips. This group includes executive and managerial professionals, knowledge workers, technicians, administrative and support personnel, among others. The product introduces a number of PC text retrieval innovations including "byte-stream" indexes, a simple user interface, PowerQuery language, customized filter technology and a single, integrated solution for both structured and unstructured text-based information. Text retrieval is a stand-alone utility, as well as a key component in databases, document management systems, word processors, e-mail, OCR systems, bulletin boards, integrated utilities and CD-ROMs. "Byte-stream" Indexing - The most sophisticated search methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------ Search City's "byte-stream" index methodology, the first for the PC platform, is not based solely on keywords, found in today's older inverted file technology, but on character strings. It lets one search for characters, words and phrases to radically increase the ease, precision and speed of information retrieval when dealing with complex queries and large databases. Best GUI for text retrieval --------------------------- Part of the strength of Search City is its single screen approach to finding information. With Search City's navigational and search tools, one can never get lost or confused during the search process. All tools are clearly indicated to help the user look at the "hits" or files that contain the hits after a query has been generated. When one identifies the exact piece of information desired, one click will open the full document. PowerQuery language ------------------- Search City provides powerful query capabilities that the user exploits combining simple commands or operators. It describes the search one wishes to perform. This approach allows the user to continually refine and narrow the search, ultimately zooming on the desired location of information. Customized filters and subjects ------------------------------- Search City's filter technology increases the capability to find information without making the query more complex. It is a simple way to map characters to other desired choices. Using subjects is a powerful way to classify and subclassify information to shortcut searches. Both are ways to customize the product to one's specific needs. One product for structured and unstructured data ------------------------------------------------ Search City lets the PC user find information buried in textual databases, as well as unstructured files like e-mail, faxes and user-composed documents, all with the same interface and approach. The user doesn't have to jump around using different methodologies or utilities to access both kinds of data structures. ========================================================================= Search City 2.0 ENHANCEMENTS Description: ------------ Search City 2.0 defines groups of files to search. You only can search in one group at a time. Each group can be a File Group or a Text Database Group. The Text Database Group allow recognize documents and fields into the files, using user defined expressions, and the searches are restricted to documents or fields. Efficiency: ----------- Search speed has been enhanced by using 32 bits code and fine tuning critical algorithms. File Group Index makes search velocity independent of the quantity of text files. User defined Stopwords (Null words) ----------------------------------- Using stopwords the index size is reduced about 40%, increassing the index speed. Without stopwords the index size is about 60% from the original text. Easy of use: ------------ Several enhancements make our highly appreciated User Interface even more elegant and easier to use. In addition, we have eliminated the differences between what the technical press calls "file indexers" and "text databases". File Formats support: --------------------- Drivers for: MS-Word for Windows 1.x or 2.x, WordPerfect 5.0 or 5.1, MS-Write, ANSI Text (Notepad), OEM Text (DOS text) and more are on the horizon. Speed Synonyms: --------------- An unlimited number of synonyms can be used without affecting search speed. This substantially improves the capacity to encounter information, without the necessity of writing complex expert queries. Language support: ----------------- This version is available in English, Spanish, German(*) or Swedish(**). We are working on other languages. (*) : The product and the on-line help only; the manuals can be english or spanish. (**): The product only; the on-line help can be english, spanish or german, and the manuals can be english or spanish. Limits: ------- Each group can have up to 65535 text files, and the sum of the sizes of the text files in the group can be up to 2 gigabytes. The maximum field size is 65535 bytes. To index you need enough free space for two index size (See User defined Stopwords). Requirements: ------------- - Search City 2.0 runs on MS-Windows 3.1 - 386 or higher processor - 2 Mb RAM (4 or more recomended) - 1.1 Mb in Hard Disk (with examples) ========================================================================= If your country does not have a distributor of Search City, the price for a sigle user is US$ 200 plus shipping and handling, this includes a installation disk with Search City 2.0 and manuals. This can be payed using VISA, MasterCard, Diners or Magna. Please mail us your fax number to send you a form to be filled. There is a Working Model Demo version in /pub/pc/win3/demo This Demo version only can index less than 100 Kb of text. ========================================================================= ARS INNOVANDI Phone : (56-2) 231 1936 Fax : (56-2) 231 9756 Address: Providencia 2184, piso 3 Santiago, CHILE e-mail :